Find your next home
in Athens. Just tell us
what are you looking for..
That’s right! We will find one for you outside the public market, from our extensive network of homeowners.
Home finder
1. Fill the form
Complete the form describing the type of property you are looking for.
2. Explore your options
Receive a selection of properties that match your criteria on your email.
3. Buy it safely
Found what are you looking for? We pair you with a top local agent to help you close.
Local Experts
Licensed homebuying experts, showing agents, and transaction coordinators are all on call to take the weight off your shoulders when you need them.
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Verified Properties
Every home is verified through in-person quality inspection to ensure quality and comfort. We open doors, fridges, cupboards and show you every corner of your future home.
Virtual Home Tours
A 360ο virtual home tour will help you familiarize with the apartment remotely. Thanks to the extensive tools you can also measure the dimensions of the apartment, see the floor plan and visit remotely the apartment as many times as you want.
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Efficiency at every step
We are dedicated to providing the most enjoyable and stress-free housing search service. A simple way to search in one place,  filtering by the criteria that matter most to you.
Local Experts
Licensed homebuying experts, showing agents, and transaction coordinators are all on call to take the weight off your shoulders when you need them.
Verified properties
Each home has undergone a full technical and legal check before listed. We visit every single property, we open doors, fridges, cupboards and show you every corner of your future home.
You will see the property as it is. Reality represented with HD photos, 360 virtual tours, floorplans, neighbourhoods and market insights and more.
We are dedicated to providing the most enjoyable and stress-free housing search service. A simple way to search in one place, filtering by the criteria that matter most to you.
Still have questions?
Contact us now.